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1. XLNTrade a brand name operated by Securcap Securities Limited (hereinafter referred to as “we”, “us” or “our”) may offer to its new and existing Clients trading benefits (“Trading Benefit”).

2. Trading Benefit will be added to relevant Client’s trading account and is subject to the following Trading Benefits General Terms and Conditions.

3. In order to participate and receive a Trading Benefit, the Client has already agreed to and accept-ed the terms and conditions for the services provided by XLNTrade.

4. The Client accepts that any Trading Benefit granted to him shall be granted under the following conditions:

a. Trading Benefits may only be provided once the conditions below are met accumulatively:

i. Trading Benefits may only be granted once, during the promotional period per client per trading account.

ii. Trading Benefits are available to clients who have verified their account and were ap-proved by the compliance department;

iii. Clients may apply for only one promotional offer during the promotion period.

iv. XLNTrade, in its sole discretion, will determine if a client’s deposit and trading activity are entitled to retain a Trading Benefit.

v. Trading Benefits are not transferrable.

5. There are different types of Trading Benefits, some of them are withdrawable and some of them are withdrawable under certain conditions.

6. In the event that the Client performs a withdrawal, the Trading Benefit will be adjusted or deducted from the Client’s trading account. The Trading Benefit amount to be deducted will depend on the Client’s withdrawal amount and the Client’s available withdrawable equity at the time of the with-drawal.

7. In no event shall a total refund to a Client exceed the initial deposit amount.

8. In the event that a Client is not coming in good faith and the main activity of the trading account is not for trading but rather for hunting the Trading Benefit, XLNTrade, reserves the right to reverse the trading transactions and close the trading account of the client.

9. We reserve the right to remove a Trading Benefit from a Client’s Trading Account in case of inactivity / suspension / termination as provided in the Client Trading Agreement.

10. In addition, certain additional terms may apply for a specific Trading Benefit which will be notified to the Client accordingly.

11. We reserve the right to amend any of the additional terms for each trading benefit at any time. Upon such change and in case you do not wish to continue using the Trading Benefit, you must contact the Customer Support.

12. It is recommended that you always read the Trading Benefits General Terms and Conditions and the additional terms and conditions for the specific Trading Benefit before you accept to receive a Trading Benefit from us.

13. All the Terms of this Trading Benefits General Terms and Conditions are essential and binding.


Você pode escrever, telefonar ou usar o chat ao vivo se tiver dúvidas ou preocupações sobre os produtos ou serviços que oferecemos. Estamos empenhados em fornecer a melhor experiência de negociação para os nossos usuários e gostaríamos de receber sugestões e recomendações sobre como podemos melhorar.

Detalhes de Contato

Nome de empresa: Securcap Securities Limited

Endereço da sede: Suite C, Orion Mall, Palm Street, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles

Suporte ao cliente

Horário de funcionamento Segunda-feira – Sexta-feira: 8:00-19:00hrs GMT+2

Emai-l de Suporte ao Cliente

Telefone de Suporte ao Cliente +551148582803

whatsapp icon Numero de WhatsApp: +551148582865

Agora você pode usar o WhatsApp para se conectar conosco ao vivo. Ao clicar no WhatsApp, você reconhece que a Empresa não pode ser responsável pela segurança ou privacidade das informações que você envia via WhatsApp durante sua comunicação com a Empresa, incluindo a obtenção de conversas, endereço de e-mail ou quaisquer outros dados pessoais de terceiros. Para obter mais informações, consulte nossa Isenção de Responsabilidade de Terceiros.

Os serviços de compensação são prestados por: Wanakena Ltd, 73 Arch. Makarios III Avenue, Office 301, 1070 Nicosia, Cyprus. Billing descriptor 2484671977